"Pie and chips"???!! Those *** Brits!!!
Geoff Miller wrote:
> Fourth, and most importantly: because the idea that a person who supports
> a war should be required to fight it himself is childish and idiotic almost
> beyond the power of words to express -- and you ought to be ashamed of your-
> self for even suggesting such a thing. I suppose that by the same token,
> if I support federal highway spending, I should be required to quit my
> profession, give up the lifestyle and level of affluence I've worked so
> hard to achieve, and go join a road crew?
> You leftist assholes are doomed, you know that? The angrier and more
> shrill you become, and the stupider and more addlepated the rhetoric
> you spout, the more of the electorate you alienate. And as the con-
> ceptual cherry atop that sundae of disarray, you allow the abrasive,
> the feebleminded, and the insane as your spokesmen -- people like
> Howard Dean, Cindy Sheehan, and Michael Berg, respectively.
> And to make matters worse for you, your anti-Americanism has become plain
> for all to see. It's abundantly clear that you hate your country and
> would like nothing better than to see America humiliated and taken down
> a peg on the world stage, which is why you oppose the war on terrorism
> at every turn and whenever possible, as in the case of the New York Times,
> actively try to sabotage it.
Bravo for the above. Well written and expressed.