"Pie and chips"???!! Those *** Brits!!!
"Ghislain" > wrote:
>> How about you really "support the troops" by doing something more than
>> posting Repug nonsense and enlist? GoArmy.com -- or are you just another
>> Yellow Elephant? If you like that war so much, go fight it!
Jack F. Twist > responds:
> Ain't it the truth. And if you ask the same question of most congress
> critters (or our fake war hero president/VP, or most of the war hawk
> Jews who run Fox News etc) and you'll get the exact same look of
> anger, if not panic.
Oh, bullshit. Not only are anger and panic completely disjoint
emotions, but what you're likely to see is neither of those things
but expressions that are evidence of contempt and dismissal...for
the reasons I expressed in my pevious post in this thread.
It's never been claimed that either George W. Bush or Dick Cheney is
a war hero, so your calling them "fake war hero[es]" is disingenuous.
"War hawk Jews?" If a conservative Republican said something like
that, he'd be set upon and denounced as an anti-Semite. At least
you're forthright (or careless) enough to admit your anti-Semitism.
"Liberals become indignant when you question their patriotism,
but simultaneously work overtime to give terrorists a cushion
for the next attack and laugh at dumb Americans who love their
country and hate the enemy." -- Ann Coulter