chicken stew
The peanuts and sweet potatoes suggest an African origin for your recipe -
where does the recipe come from?
Louis Cohen
Living la vida loca at N37° 43' 7.9" W122° 8' 42.8"
"Arri London" > wrote in message
> Michael Snow wrote:
> >
> > I need a good chicken stew recipe
> > Michael
> Chop a whole chicken (bones in) into chunks.
> Brown onions and garlic in oil, remove and brown the chicken in the same
> oil. Add back the onions and garlic. Add water or broth to cover the
> pieces. Season with salt, pepper and red chiles.
> Add some chopped tomatoes (canned is OK) and either chopped peanuts or
> unsweetened chunky peanut butter. Potatoes or sweet potatoes cut in
> chunks can go in too.
> Bring to a boil and simmer covered until the chicken is tender.
> Serve with flat bread and hardboiled eggs.