Thread: Pesto sauce
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Default Pesto sauce

>"kilikini" writes:
>>penmart01 wrote:
>> I don't like pesto. I don't consider pesto a legitimate sauce...

>> it's a total waste of good ingredients... like $5 worth of ingredients

>> on 35ยข worth of pasta.

>$5???? God, it's more like $15!!!!! Pine nuts can only be found at the
>organic/health food store and basil is hard to come by (unless you grow it,
>which I can't because I don't have a garden or good windows). Parmesan is
>running at about $4.99 for a tiny little plastic container and olive oil is
>$7.99 for a tiny bottle. It's an expensive project!

I can buy good parmesan for about $5/lb. I buy a liter of Goya extra virgin
for about $6. Basil I grow myself, for salads and tomato sauce. Only the pine
nuts are somewhat costly, a 2oz bottle for about $3... but I'd much rather bake
them into cookies, to me pesto is like I said, a total waste of good

So it's good you have that nice bronze skined tush, 'cause I guess you're gonna
hafta hock that grass skirt. <g>

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."