Hellmann's, Too
"wff_ng_7" > wrote
> "Nancy Young" > wrote:
> > How else are you supposed to get the best sized product for
>> the money? All the time I see things for sale, the 10 oz size
>> for $1, but you'll see the 20 oz size is less than $2. Just pulling
>> numbers out of thin air, but you know what I'm getting at.
> The thing that bothers me about Safeway's unit pricing is it is often
> quite unhelpful, or just plain wrong. In the unhelpful category is pricing
> one brand at so many cents per ounce, and another brand at so many cents a
> pound, such that one has to multiply or divide by 16 to compare.
They should be consistant. I guess it's not required by law.
> In the plain wrong category are unit prices that outright don't match the
> price divided by the weight.
That probably is against the law.
> I'd complain about it, but I guess there are just too many battles in life
> to take on every one of them. I just concentrate on the price rung up
> matching the shelf price in supermarkets.
I hear ya. I'm lucky in the stores where I shop, they do seem to
have accurate shelf pricing (remember when the price was on the
item itself? That, I don't miss), and the checkout prices are dead
accurate. My peeve is that it's sometimes hard to come by the
advertised sale items, at least for certain things. Annoying, but not
worth getting excited about, as you say.