Thread: Hellmann's, Too
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limey limey is offline
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Default Hellmann's, Too

"Wayne Boatwright" wrote:

> Joking aside, at 61 I remember things as you do, like going to the corner
> store as a child to pick up a loaf of bread for 29 cents, a jar of mustard
> for 12 cents, etc.
> Wayne Boatwright @¿@¬

In my early married days, we could (carefully) do a week's grocery shopping
for $10 or thereabouts. I remember that T-bone steak prices rose to $1 per
pound and housewives everywhere in our area boycotted the meat departments!
(and gas was 29 cents a gallon, too). But --- I was making $30 a week at
my job, DH's salary wasn't much better and we paid $55 a month for quite a
nice apartment. Times change and everything's relative.
