Ubiquitous wrote:
> Remember all that crap SLop's been using on her tablescapes,
> specifically the stuff she claims to be inexpensive?
> Take a gander:
> http://www.fidalgoshomeflair.com/s.n...ategory.159/.f
> "Inexpensive", my ass, bitch!
She needs all the "tablescape" crap to divert attention from her
inedible food. Interesting how she's always claiming that this and
that came "from the dollar store"...and here we see a few sprigs of
fake flowers ("wisteria!") for 5 times what it would cost for fresh.
My one and only table decor is fresh flowers to match the season...some
come from my garden, greens clipped from shrubs, or a bunch of lovely
flowers from the grocer. Let the food be the main event!