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Craig Chilton -- Help to Make the USA Bigotry-FREE![_1_] Craig Chilton -- Help to Make the USA Bigotry-FREE![_1_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 33
Default How To Stop *** Activism In The Episcopal Church

[[[ READERS: The FACTS don't change. So here
they are again, as the pertain to this LOSER. ]]]

Mindless and hateful BIGOT who cowers behind the
alias, "bobandcarole" (or "bob&carole") in his Usenet posts,
makes a total MOCKERY of Christianity by supporting the
loathsome and fetid hate-agendas of the RRR Cult... and most
of the RRR cultists dishonestly (or deludedly) *claim* to be
Christians despite being one of the most UN-Christian groups
on the face of the earth. SO -- in recognition of his regu-
larly and incessantly barraging Usenet with hateful SWILL
and idiotic garbage and LIES that make it appear as though
all ACTUAL Christians are *fools* and hateful and bigoted
LOSERS like him... that poster is hereby awarded the cartoon
below, as a reminder to him, and the rest of us, who *his*
REAL master is ---
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...and don't think Satan isn't utterly DELIGHTED with
"Bob", and his fellow RRR Cultists, for making Christianity
look SO hateful and ignorant, that countless thousands
(and probably millions) of NON-Christians would find it
more worthwhile to attend a rat fight than to come to

You're serving your REAL, master (see his caricature,
above, as a reminder of who he is) **VERY** well, Bob!

And so are ALL of the other bigoted and hateful losers
who support the loathsome hate-agendas of the RRR Cult.

-- Craig Chilton >

[[[ To NON-Christian Readers seeing this post:

Please be aware that 94% of American
Christians are NOT lemmings of the RRR Cult,
and are in NO way actively supporting the
hate-agendas of that ludicrous and pathetic
collection of PSEUDO-Christians, and the
(unfortunate, by virtue of their having been
targeted for recruitment by the propaganda
and lies of the cult's leaders) *deceived* and
deluded lower-mentality actual Christians.

I invite you to REJECT the UN-Christian
RRR Cult, and consider Christianity as it
*really* is. Here's a website that can do a
very good job of show you what *actual*
Christianity is all about:

And -- the Bible DENOUNCES the tactics
of the RRR Cult. See: 1 Cor. 5:12-13 ]]]