Goomba38 wrote:
> Has anyone got this? Read it?
> Apparently the English translated version is called "The Complete Guide
> to the Art of Modern Cookery" and Barnes and Noble has it for a whopping
> $63.00 (new) although used copies are available.
> I've been interested in reading Escoffier's tome since I first learned
> about him and his work. I like to sit and read "Joy of Cooking" like
> some curl up with a trashy novel. So I wondered if this would be as
> satisfying?
> Input welcome 
> Goomba
I'd say go for it. It's very information dense so it's not the
world's easiest read, but it's certainly not impenetrable either.
Take it on a piece at a time. I find that I go back and reread
certain sections fairly regularly.