Falling cheesecake
In article >, L. Raymond
> wrote:
> I'm wondering if anyone can offer hints as to how to prevent a
> cheesecake from falling. When it bakes (12 mins. at 450 degrees
> followed by 55 mins. at 300), it expands to almost a half inch above
> the rim of the pan, but I've never been able to cool it without having
> it fall about 1/4 inch below the rim. Actually, if I could keep it
> from expanding so much to begin with, I suspect that would help, but I
> don't know what to adjust. It still tastes fine, and everyone who's
> eaten some always takes several pieces home, but I think it's too
> dense at the end.
I wouldn't start it at such a high temperature. I think I bake mine
at 375 for about 50-60 minutes.
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