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Default Does such a device exist: Similar to a French coffee press, but the size of a large pot? For water extractions of "herbal tea".

"Kenneth" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 17:30:55 -0400, "John" > wrote:
> >Excuse me, but what is your problem? I cross-posted my message because
> >there are a number of different cooking-related newsgroups, none of which
> >appeared to be any more relevant than the others.
> >
> >So, exactly what is the issue here?
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Mike

> Hey Mike,
> Perhaps I missed something, but why not use a French coffee press? It
> seems to me that it would do just what you want.

Hi Kenneth,

Well, I would just use a French coffee press, except for two things:

1. I've not been able to find one big enough.
2. In the ones I've looked at, you can't actually cook IN the
boil the water separately, then pour it into the press to steep.

For the stuff I'm making, I need to use larger quantities, and, more
importantly, I need the leaves to boil with the water for at least an hour,
and then repeat the process.

If I could find a really big French press that you can actually boil the
water in, that would work dandy.



> HTH,
> --
> Kenneth
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