Ideas for tuna chunks?
Serene > wrote:
>We bought some really good-looking frozen chunks of tuna today (James
>was wanting fish) and I've got it thawing in the fridge. I thought I
>might bread it (panko? flour?) and shallow-fry it, but if you have
>other ideas, cool.
Tuna confit.
(Just had to say that.)
Seriously, Mrs. Pope has a method of making tuna that involves
pan-searing with a crust of crushed nuts (such as pecans, although
I suppose macadamia is traditional) and/or panko and/or bread crumbs,
and adding a few drops of sesame oil just before serving. Since it's
previously frozen you would want to eyeball its condition
and decide if you want it cooked all the way through or
still pink in the middle. Either way works fine with this
method. Also, if it's albacore (a.k.a. tombo) we tend to
want it more completely cooked.
I don't know the exact method she uses, but I'll ask her when
she gets back from the Y.