Steamed Sole in Black Bean Sauce
sf <> wrote:
>On 1 Jul 2006 00:26:44 -0700, aem wrote:
>> Blair P. Houghton wrote:
>> > This will take refining, and maybe I'll have to make my
>> > own black bean sauce so I can control the proportions.
>> >
>> Black beans are pretty strongly flavored for sole,
>Much agreement, except I wouldn't put it on any fish. Shellfish,
>yes... clams with black bean sauce is wonderful!
The black-beaniness of it was good. Just way too salty.
I only used about a teaspoon per filet.
I picked up a bottle at Fry's today. Different prep from
the jar version. 920 mg of sodium per tablespoon instead
of 1280 or something. But it doesn't have whole beans
in it I don't think.
>> 2 TB fermented black beans, rinsed and chopped
Can I get fermented black beans that aren't already
in black bean sauce? I'm not sure I've seen them at the
Asian megamart.
And come to think of it...isn't this just Chinese Natto?
"Can I get an 'ewww'?"