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Default Salmon Patties/Croquettes

"Nancy Dooley" wrote in message > "jmcquown" >
> My old-timey salmon croquette recipe has a bechamel as binder (along
> with very fine dry bread crumbs) - rolled in egg & fine cracker crumbs
> and deep fried. I shape them by hand (messy, but effective).
> I tend to differentiate by cooking method and shape. Patties are
> flatter - like a thick pancake - croquettes are like a thick cone
> shape, squared off on the ends. Patties are sauteed in a little
> butter/oil - croquettes are deep fried.
> I imagine interpretations differ.
> N.

Nancy, you're right on as far as I'm concerned, both from the croquette and
patty standpoint. To me, it's predominantly the shape, as well as the
cooking method, which tell them apart. Nobody has mentioned chicken
croquettes (or any other meat), finely minced and prepared as you mentioned.
Great way to use up some leftovers!
