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Default Salmon Patties/Croquettes

"limey" > wrote in

> "Nancy Dooley" wrote in message > "jmcquown" >
>> My old-timey salmon croquette recipe has a bechamel as binder (along
>> with very fine dry bread crumbs) - rolled in egg & fine cracker
>> crumbs and deep fried. I shape them by hand (messy, but effective).
>> I tend to differentiate by cooking method and shape. Patties are
>> flatter - like a thick pancake - croquettes are like a thick cone
>> shape, squared off on the ends. Patties are sauteed in a little
>> butter/oil - croquettes are deep fried.
>> I imagine interpretations differ.
>> N.

> Nancy, you're right on as far as I'm concerned, both from the
> croquette and patty standpoint. To me, it's predominantly the shape,
> as well as the cooking method, which tell them apart. Nobody has
> mentioned chicken croquettes (or any other meat), finely minced and
> prepared as you mentioned. Great way to use up some leftovers!
> Dora

To me croquettes involve mashed potatoes and patties don't.

Patties are flat disc shaped and thin like a factory made hamburger patty.
Croquettes are 3/4 to 1 inch round log shapes with flatend ends.

Patties I fry , Croquettes I can bake, fry or deep fry.

Once during Prohibition I was forced to live for days on nothing but food
and water.