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Default Does such a device exist: Similar to a French coffee press, but the size of a large pot? For water extractions of "herbal tea".

"hahabogus" > wrote in message
> Have you considered making reusable tea bags from cheese cloth? Also "you
> fill a bag" tea bags are available to purchase.

Hmm...I had originally considered using cheese cloth as a strainer, but I
was concerned that too much of the active ingredients (alkaloids) would get
"stuck" to the cloth...which is why I got the expensive fine-screen
strainer. However, this is a bit different. If I wrap the powdered leaves
in the cloth, I could then individually squeeze each bag with my herb
press - which should be easier and less messy.

So, that's a good idea, I'll give it a try and see how it goes. (But keep
the ideas coming if anyone has any other suggestions!)



> --
> Once during Prohibition I was forced to live for days on nothing but food
> and water.
> --------