Thread: Ku Ding Cha
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Dominic T. Dominic T. is offline
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Default Ku Ding Cha

Michael Plant wrote:
> Wow. Ugly!
> Actually, you might enjoy the sweetness that
> wells up after you've embittered your mouth
> with this brand of holly. As for Ku Ding
> Cha (not) being healthy, I am reminded of
> ads for Buckley's cough medicine: It tastes
> so bad, it's got to be good for you. (Buckley's
> tastes like straight amonia.)
> Michael

Heh, it is rough stuff. I did notice the sweetness behind the
bitterness in my third sip or so, but the initial bitterness kills all
pleasantness. It is a unique experience for sure, and one I'm not so
eager to do again. I gave some to my father, a bitter fan, and he stuck
a whole spike in his mouth as is... it didn't stay in long but I was
amazed it even possible.

I was only using 2-3 spikes per cup as per the instructions, but I
think I've had enough to know better now. This stuff would have to cure
male pattern baldness, while enhancing manhood by 4-6", while extending
my life by 20 years, while increasing my income by 200% for me to drink
it purely for the health benefits.

- Dominic