On Tue, 04 Jul 2006 17:38:56 -0700, Terry Pulliam Burd
> wrote:
>On Tue, 04 Jul 2006 08:38:36 -0700, Christine Dabney
> rummaged among random neurons and opined:
>Christine, that's wonderful! I hope that doesn't mean you'll be MIA at
>the next San Diego/OC cookin!
We'll have to see. I'll come to the southern Cal one, if you all come
to the NM one that will take place a year or so from now...

you think that is a fair trade?
>And your leftover limoncello that you so kindly left me got rave
>reviews at a dinner party at my house last weekend. I am generous to a
>fault, as I had every intention of keeping it for myself! The DH has a
>biiiigggg mouth!
So, when are you making some more? I plan to start a batch after I
get all my stuff out of storage, and unpacked.