Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe!
> > I'd prefer Legasse taking on Mario Batali in an "All-Italian Cuisine
> > Battle." I know they had a little contest on "Emeril Live!" a couple of
> > days ago, but I'd rather see Emeril sweat it out in the cooking arena
> > instead of his own home stage. Sort of leveling the playing field, so
> > to speak.
> Mario would slaughter him. Emeril is a successful executive chef, and now
> that his producers have clued him in not to make the same silly jokes over
> and over ("I don't know where you get your steaks, but mine don't come
> pre-seasoned!) he has become a passable entertainer, but you only need to
> watch him to know that he doesn't have the skills to produce spectacular
> plates fast under pressure. Even in the silly pseudo contests on Emeril's
> show, Mario was calm, efficient, and produced better looking, tastier
> sounding plates, while EL was running about frantically and making messes.
Okay, how about Legasse taking on Masaharu Morimoto? Morimoto has been
in a slump and isn't being used quite often on ICA.