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Dominic T. Dominic T. is offline
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Default I had no idea tea was so trendy

Blair P. Houghton wrote:
> Dominic T. wrote:
> > Not to go more OT, which I'm good at, but while I was in NYC we ate
> > Peking Duck at Mr. Tangs and they served a pretty good Pu-Erh as the
> > restaurant tea. The manager was pretty impressed that I picked up on it
> > instantly, and I was pretty impressed that they had a real tea and well
> > brewed.

> Wait. How is it he didn't instead get a lot of people saying,
> "didn't I ask for tea?"
> --Blair

Heh, I thought the same thing. That is a pretty bold move, I'm not sure
if it was because we were there later in the evening or not. The only
other people in the restaurant were having a huge 12 course meal fit
for kings and they seemed to be friends with the owner and manager so
that may have been why they had good tea and we just reaped the
benefits by dumb luck. I don't know, but I was just as surprised as

- Dominic