Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe!
Joe Cilinceon wrote:
> Don't know about Fly but I can say Emeril can cook. My second oldest son had
> him do his 10th wedding annversary. My daughter in law is a real fan of his,
> though she can't boil water. The whole party was 12 people including my 5
> grandkids, and he did cook himself. The party was at Emeril's Orlando at
> Universal Studios about 2 years ago now. The food was excellent and Emeril
> in person was fun and very friendly. Spent about an 30 minutes with us after
> dinner just BS'ing and answering questions. I never could watch much of
> his live show, but the day time Essance show is pretty good most of the
> time.
Any clue to how much *that* set your son back??