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Julia Altshuler
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Default Cooking "cheats" for the time challenged...

Frogleg wrote:

> I admire Julia's efficient prep work, but she probably has meal plans
> in place, too. I wouldn't cut up, say, celery, in advance, not knowing
> if I would eventually want pieces or sticks for snacking, dice for
> salad, julienne for shrimp & celery remulade, or bias-cut slices for
> stir-fry.

No, I don't plan that carefully. I just choose a good enough all-round
size to slice into and leave it at that. Then I use it in whatever.
Carrots get cut into coins. That's good for snacks, soups, stir-frys.
If I would have preferred julienne for a particular recipe, I use coins
instead. Remember, this is about saving time. Getting out the
cuisinart only once a week saves time. If this was about perfectly
presented meals, I'd be thinking in another direction.
