"Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
> Steve Wertz > :
> > On Thu, 06 Jul 2006 19:34:55 -0700, Christine Dabney wrote:
> >
> >> Christine, who will NOT eat chicken feet at dimsum places....
> >
> > Then steamed duck tongues must really gross you out.
> >
> > -sw
> I just don't ask what I'm eating. I'm guessing I've had them both at some
> point along with Gawd knows what else. I've ordered strange stuff off a
> Vietnamese menu many times. IMO if it tastes good, eat it. Getting me to
> try it, if I know what it is, a whole 'nother ballgame. If you plopped a
> bunch of chicken feet in front of me I'd not eat it. However, if chicken
> feet make a good stock I'll buy them
A friend went to Tibet eons ago
> came back with food stories that still gross me out, but yes; I would
> try some of the food if it wasn't identifiable.
Most Viet food is fairly tame, you might get some tripe or other organ meats
at a typical Viet resto here in the States...
If you really want some wierd comestibles you can visit some of the Mexican
food stands at the Maxwell Street Market on Chicago's south side (by the U
of I Chicago campus). They have eyeball tacos and all kinds of gross