Thread: Czech it out
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TammyM[_1_] TammyM[_1_] is offline
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Default Czech it out

Roomie and I went to the Czech restaurant in Davis last night. I
don't know WHY I had a hankering for Czech food on a day when the temp
was upwards of 142F. It was not one of my brighter ideas, although
the food there is, at least from memory, pretty good. I decided,
ridiculously, that I wanted the gulyas (when the temp is 142F, right!
Good idea!!) There soup offerings were the usual -- a borscht and a
potato -- and unusual -- gazpacho. As weird a combo as it sounds, I
wanted the gazpacho. And am I glad I got it. It is, without a doubt,
the best gazpacho I've ever had, and I've travelled pretty widely and
have had it all over the world, including (duh) in Spain. The gulyas,
on the other hand, was nothing about which to write Prague. The Czech
dumplings were mighty tasty though. If I had it to do over again, I
would have ordered nothing but the gazpacho. In a Czech restaurant.
Go figure.

TammyM, gazpacho slut