On Sat, 08 Jul 2006 22:31:53 -0500, Damsel in dis Dress
> wrote:
>On Sun, 09 Jul 2006 03:21:51 GMT, (TammyM) wrote:
>>On Sat, 08 Jul 2006 21:06:19 -0500, Damsel in dis Dress
> wrote:
>>>>TammyM wrote:
>>>>> Roomie and I went to the Czech restaurant in Davis last night. I
>>>>> don't know WHY I had a hankering for Czech food on a day when the temp
>>>>> was upwards of 142F. [snip]
>>>I'm sure that was the heat index, accounting for humidity. They
>>>*were* near a hot kitchen. That's gotta be it.
>>Humidity is not something we have to deal with here in the Saccamenna
>>region. Even when the heat is upwards of 110, we 'console' ourselves
>>by repeating, "it's a dry heat" "it's a dry heat". Much as
>>Meenasotans repeat "we love it here" when they're ass-deep in snow
>> :-)
>>I have a mug from a certain Meenasotan with that very saying on it.
>>I think I shall create one of my own with "it's a DRY heat" on it.
>>And flames. And Faust. And Hell. Cause that's what it feels like
>>when it gets THIS BLOODY HOT!!!!!! :-)
>>love ya, Dams, come visit some time! (when it's not so hot....)
>I'd love to. Will there be divinity waiting for me when I arrive?
>I went to Las Vegas once. It was 108F. I was wearing wooden clogs
>with plastic soles. I was walking down the sidewalk and the glue that
>was holding the soles onto my shoes melted, and I was suddenly walking
>wood-on-cement. That's hot!
Darlin', if you want divinity (and if it ain't rainin'), you got it.
It wouldbe my absolute honor to make it for you.
One of the hottest days EVER in this town was the day I got married in
1984 (I got unmarried a few years later). It was September, early
September. It was something like 114F.
The less said the better, perhaps.
Anyway. You want divinity, you want whatever is in my power to give
ya, you got it. Bring Crash with ya. We're accommodating people here
in Northern California.