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Default Does such a device exist: Similar to a French coffee press, but

>> "I. Shitumuch" writes:
>> I'm looking for a device that would make it easier and/or more efficient to
>> make water extractions of "herbal tea" (in particular, Kratom). I make the
>> extract by boiling the powdered leaf for an hour or so. I then strain the
>> liquid and press the leaf to get as much liquid out as I can, and then
>> re-boil the leaf and repeat the process a second time. Right now, I use a
>> handheld "herb press" thingy, which works pretty well as far as getting all
>> the liquid out, but it is messy and a pain to use.
>> I've never used a French coffee press, but the concept seems to be what I'm
>> looking for - you press down on the central strainer/press thing, and the
>> coffee (or herb in my case) would stay at the bottom, allowing the liquid

>> be poured off the top. However, I've not seen one that is big enough for

>> purposes. Ideally, I would like to have a French coffee press (or

>> similar) the size of a large cooking pot.
>> Any suggestions?? It doesn't have to be a cofee press, just a big pot that
>> I can boil, strain, and press in without having to transfer the contents.

Have you considered a septic system?

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."