In article >,
"elaine" > wrote:
> "Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> > "elaine" > wrote in :
> >
> >> And now they are packaged (for the same price) in 7 lb. bags.
> >>
> >> Seems to be a trend.
> >
> >
> > elaine,
> >
> > Did this thread morph from another? Please expound.
> >
> > Andy
> No morphing, just me thinking to myself and expecting everyone to
> understand.
> I used to buy potatoes in a 10lb bag. Now the bag is 7lb.for the same
> price.
> Sort of like Cambell's soup - smaller, but the same price. Sucks!!
Lots of food producers have been doing the same thing. Their costs go
up, but they don't want to turn off consumers by putting higher prices
on their products, so they reduce package size. This tactic has been
practiced for several years; its nothing new. I suspect we consumers
will see more of it due to the high cost of fuel to produce and
distribute the food we eat.