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Jke Jke is offline
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Posts: 742
Default Healthy cheap cuisine

I love this question. Basically, I cook healthy and cheap most of the time
and so I hope these suggestions will be helpful:

* salad of cooked rice + kidney beans, tomatoes, spring onions, parsley,
lemon juice, olive oil
* pasta sauce: vegetarian tomato based sauces (I go through many cans)
* pea soup from frozen peas, veggie stock, with some onion and mint.
Optional: adding leftover lettuce (most kinds work). Another option: adding
cream or milk. Puree the thing, serve with bread or as a starter
* lentil salad: cook green or brwon lentils, drain, add cider vinegar to
taste, let marinate until cool. Then add lots of cilantro, spring onions,
maybe zucchini, dress with thick yoghurt with some s+p.
* beef barley soup (cook lots to get the price per serving down, freeze
* pasta sauce: peas, ham, cream (or a low-fat bechamel). Add parsley
* stew tomatoes, make some space in the middle and poach an egg in the
there. Use italian or arabic flavorings
* frittatas or spanish tortilla de patatas
* puttanesca sauce for pasta
* oven baked potatoes served with chicken in a low-fat sauce
* moroccan chicken tajine with lemons and olives
* tabbouleh (bulgur salad, add as many leafy herbs and veggies as you like).
Maybe serve of with some white fish or salmon.

If you want more details on any of tehse dishes, let me know. i rarely use
actual recipes, but I can give you some info nonetheless.