Paul Newman's Pineapple Salsa
Goomba38 wrote:
> Gregory Morrow wrote:
> > A few weeks ago 5 lb bags of russet potatoes were on sale at my local
> > Interestingly, they were the Paul Newman brand...
> >
> > I like buying his stuff because I like him, plus which his profits go to
> > good charities...
> >
> Organic potatoes I take it?
I guess...I didn't know he had branched out to produce items. Does he do
bagged salad mixes and such like...???
> Donating profits sounds good in theory, but apparently finding out
> exactly which charities is near impossible? I suspect some goes towards
> drug issues as his son died from drug abuse years ago.
> Inversely, I know some people choose to not support particular
> manufacturers for whatever reason. I know a cop who won't buy Ben and
> Jerry's ice cream because of past corporate support towards the defense
> of a man who shot and killed a police officer.
> I just recently learned on RFC about the boycott of Coke products by
> blacks in the US, as well as union supporters in South America and
> environmentalists in India.
I'll alter my buying habits for political reasons, plus which I like to
support the smaller and well - run businesses in my neighborhood. I buy my
coffee at the local place on the corner, not the Starbucks down the block.
I'll buy books, etc. at my local bookstore instead of Borders when I can.
Unabridged Books here in Chicago has been heavily - involved with the local
nabe here since it's inception. They pay their workers the highest wages of
any bookstore workers in the US, plus good benefits. Their service is
really personal, etc...
I'll also go out of my way to spread the "bad word" about crummily - run
small local businesses, too. I'll contact city regulatory officials, write
letters to local media, etc. I've helped put a real dent in the business of
one place in particular, another place I actually helped to shut down...
> Anyway, I like Paul Newman as a person myself. I love that a man his age
> is passionate about racing cars and keeps active. I love that he's been
> married a long time to the same woman, a rare thing in Hollywood types.
> I like that his daughter runs the organic end of his line, as that was
> her own personal interests before she started. Nice to be able to do
> things to keep the family involved together.
Man, I still think of Paul and Joanne as "young", I'm remembering them
especially when they were the "golden couple" back in the 60' I feel
I adore them both, what can I say?