Help in duplicating Mom's recipe, please
"FERRANTE" > wrote in message
> Sadly, I always thought my mom would be around to make the dishes she
> knew I loved. I never thought to ask her for the recipes, but I was a
> young adult, and still am. Maybe you can help me?
> My mom made what she called goulash. To me it was more like a stew.
> She would put elbow macaroni in it, V-8 Juice, chopped or whole
> tomatoes, I cannot remember, I think celery, and I want to say caraway
> seeds, but I could be wrong. She always put lots of hamburger in it,
> maybe an onion or two. I just do not remember.
> Any help you can give me is appreciated. I miss her cooking, but what
> I miss most is how wonderful she was, how she always put her family
> before herself, and how much she loved me.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Mark Ferrante
I am very sorry for the loss of your Mom. I am very close to my own mother, and can't
imagine how I will cope if she passes before I do. My condolences.
Were you from the Midwest by chance? That's the goulash I grew up with, but it's
nothing like what the people I know and love here in California call goulash.
You pretty much have the recipe in your post. Well as much a recipe as we ever used.
My mom would brown the ground beef, then add onion and celery when it was mostly
browned. Once they were tender, she'd add a can of Italian tomatoes, which we kids
got to squish with our little hands first to break up the tomatoes some, and some
tomato juice (though later she did use V8 as well). Salt and pepper, and a little
celery salt. Stir in the noodles (cooked until almost done-a little less than al
dente) and simmer to let the flavors mingle and the macaroni finish cooking.