Lisa Ann wrote:
> LOL, indeed. I was oblivious to how poor we were growing up until I was an
> adult. Every once in awhile, Mom would make us pancakes for dinner. I
> mean, how cool is that? Pancakes for dinner! None of the *other* kids ever
> got pancakes for dinner! My brother, sister and I were the envy of the
> elementary/junior high school set.
Oh, we did that too - or sometimes scrambeled eggs and toast.
> Flash forward, I'm married with a step-daughter...Mom calls one evening. I
> told her we were eating dinner and I'd call her back. "Oh, what are you
> having?" "Pancakes!" I said brightly. There was a pause, then mom's very
> distressed voice..."Honey, is everything okay? Are you having financial
> problems?" "No...I just remember how much fun it was to have pancakes for
> dinner sometimes. All the kids thought you were the coolest mom ever to
> feed us that!" "Honey, we didn't eat pancakes because I was cool, we ate
> pancakes because there was nothing else in the house to eat!" (Which did
> explain why we always seemed to have them on Thursdays...)
> Good memories, though.
LOL...totally. I wouldn't trade having grown up that way for anything.