Help in duplicating Mom's recipe, please
On 11 Jul 2006 15:19:18 -0700, "-L." > wrote:
>cybercat wrote:
>> "-L." > wrote:
>> >
>> > As for the goulash (at least the Midwestern
>> > version I grew up with) - you pretty much have the recipe already.
>> > Brown some hamburger with chopped onions and celery, and then add
>> > canned chopped tomatoes (and V-8 if you want to) Lots of black pepper,
>> > some paprika, and onion owder. IIRC there isn't any garlic in it.
>> > Pre-cook the pasta until al-dente and then add it to the pot so that it
>> > can further absorb the tomato sauce. Simer on low for about 45 minutes
>> > or more.
>> >
>> MMmm, I have never had this, sounds like it's worth a try!
>It's one of those stick-to-yer-ribs-better-the-second-day kind of
>dishes. When I was little I was embarassed to eat it because I thought
>it was a "poor person's" dish. Well, we were poor, so what did I
>expect?!? LOL...
My mom always called her version of this "Gunk". Pretty good tasting
gunk! I don't make it myself, but when she does, I really enjoy it.