Help in duplicating Mom's recipe, please
On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 20:02:00 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>In article >,
> Christine Dabney > wrote:
>> I think I will try to recreate this next week, to use up that little
>> package of ground beef I have in the freezer. All these tips are
>> helping me.... I tried to duplicate this recipe after my mother
>> died,and I can't get the taste right. Maybe all these suggestions
>> will help.
>> I don't remember my mother putting green pepper in hers though...
>> Christine
>Sometimes we get all freaky about too much salt, but do include a little
>in this hotdish.
You know, wackiest thing. I was a freakin' salt nazi for many years.
Wouldn't salt pasta water, hesitantly salted most everything or left
it out altogether. Funny thing. I was diagnosed with high-ish blood
pressure and my taste for salt went through the roof. I'd probably
salt anchovies these days ....
TammyM who keeps her BP in line by cycling 20 miles/day to and from
work (except when it's 192F degrees outside <apologies to the
humorless for the 'gross exaggeration'>)