Thread: Chili weenie
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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default Chili weenie

Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> ensenadajim > wrote:
>> Yoghurt? Riata (sp?) sauces?
>> jim

> Raita? (not sure what it is, but I've seen the word). HTH. :-)

Recently in Anaheim I did a solo dinner at an Indian restaurant. I
wanted to try a lot of different things and ordered so. I ordered the
raita- Cool, cucumber-y, creamy.. It was delicious but I had no idea how
I was supposed to use it or on what? It was a separate item on the menu
instead of just automatically served with a particular dish. I ended up
just putting it next to my rice and lamb and it sauced both items as I
ate them. My potato and pea somosas came with a green sauce (not quite
mint, not quite just parsley) but that sauce came unrequested.
I had a couple glasses of wine and enjoyed a splendid meal albeit a
quiet one. Eating alone while traveling can be both a drag and in some
ways a particular pleasure. I'm sure many would just settle for a burger
from a quick take away. I brought a book along to read, and that is the
only thing I felt a little gauche about.