How would you make hash browns/home fries
Cliff Hartle wrote:
> I would like to make home fries (cubed fried potatoes not shredded).
> I would like to pre cook then as much as possible because I want to take
> them camping. I just bought some small red potatoes. I'm thinking that I
> can preboil the spuds whole and either cube and bag them now or just bag
> them and cube them before cooking them.
> Or should I cube them and then boil. I think I want to under cook them a
> liitle so the frying will finish them.
Consider baking them instead. I have used left over baked potatoes, and
they work very well. This way, they are completely cooked, they are
fairly dry, and cook quickly in oil or butter. The dryness prevents
them from being a sticky mess, which is more important if shredding
than cubing.
Dean G.