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Melba's Jammin'[_1_] Melba's Jammin'[_1_] is offline
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Default Help in duplicating Mom's recipe, please

In article . com>,
"Gregory Morrow" > wrote:

> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > In article >,
> > FERRANTE > wrote:
> >
> > > was watching All My Children. The she asked for $5 in gas, even though
> > > her husband was making about $60,000 a year and she worked. I said
> > > forget it, I'll find something to eat and I have NEVER asked her for
> > > anything since. We talk, seldom, and that is the way I like it.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Mark

> >
> >
> > Don't burn the bridge, Mark. In spite of the fact that your sister is a
> > fine example of a jerk. Don't burn the bridge; especially since you're
> > young.

> If she was a witch to him about such a minor thing that is EXACTLY what
> he should do, someone that toxic simply isn't worth the trouble...

Sometimes people change, times change, circumstances change, and
perspectives change. And sometimes they do not. If I were disowned
because I was sometimes a jerk, I'd be living solo in this world,
friendless, and family-less. And if I cut off all ties to a family
member because they were jerks, I'd be living solo in this world,
family-less. I put high stock in being on speaking terms with blood
relatives. Clearly YMV.

If Mark talks, seldom, to his sister and likes it that way, I understand
that. I've got one of those, too. But I would never break all contact
with her because she's done me wrong more than once out of jerk-ness or
thoughtlessness and sometimes self-righteousness. In the grand scheme
of things her offenses towards me were easy enough to "adjust" around
without burning the bridge. I think of my relationship to her as
killfiled or filtered (which is reversible) rather than deleted (yeah, I
know you can un-delete, but you know what I mean). "-)
And as she has aged (84) and I have aged (more than 55) I'm more
tolerant of her behavior. And I'm hoping my kids will remember it and
think likewise of me.

OB Dessert for a hot summer day:

{ Exported from MasterCook Mac }

Anne's Dessert

Recipe By: Posted to by Barb Schaller 4-4-2006
Serving Size: 1
Preparation Time: 0:00
Categories: Desserts

Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method
1 cup chocolate chips
3 Tbsp water
3 eggs separated
1/2 pint whipping cream whipped
10 " Angel food cake cubed
Nuts optional

Melt chips in water; cool slightly. Beat the egg yolks and add to
chocolate; fold whipped cream into chocolate, then fold in stiffly
beaten egg whites. Mix with cake cubes in a 9x13" pan and chill several
hours. Keeps well.

Notes: From Sister Anna Banana The Strawberry Queen and Former
Drugstore Lady, 4-1-1983

<> Updated 7-5-06, Pannekoeken
"If it's not worth doing to excess, it's not worth doing at all."