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Blair P. Houghton Blair P. Houghton is offline
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Default Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)

Nancy Young > wrote:
>Yes, any number of times. Do you know the story of Paula Deen
>and her kids? And if you're referring to those little jokey pieces
>they do about them slacking off, that's a show. I've heard nothing
>other than they both work very hard at the restaurant.
>Are they mama's boys? Perhaps. Whatever that means.
>Spoiled? No. I believe you are barking up the wrong tree on

Maybe I'm just seeing their annoying qualities as
the result of being spoiled. Whatever their cause,
they're annoying. They look like they're spoiled.

I know of Paula Deen's story what is written on
the Internet. It's curiously monolithic in form, and
light on details. She got divorced, started a lunch-bag
"catering" business, and made her sons deliver the food
because she was agoraphobic. We don't know what their
economic conditions were before the divorce; it doesn't
say why she started the business - because she was broke or
because she was bored or because she was megalomaniacally

Is there more? And who's saying they work hard at the
restaurant? Them? Her? Their publicist?
