Rachel Ray is the most annoying woman in the universe! (NOT!)
Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> I agree with Nancy on this one. Paula Deen, while not everyone's cup of
> tea, did come up from the bottom. I believe one if not both of her boys are
> trained as cooks and they are her partners in the restaurant business (both
> restaurant and books are called "the Lady and Sons").
> Gotta hand it to her. She was divorced when the boys were little, but
> you've never heard her speak of their father negatively on air as some tv
> personalities have. All I can gather is if the boys are indeed Momma's
> boys, that can be from feeling protective of her when their parents
> separated. She did for them when she had little to do with, so now they
> join the 'act' when she has made it big.
> I say 'go, Paula'......we big mouthed Southern girls gotta stick together.
> -ginny
I kinda see her as one of the more "real" TV chefs. I also like Ina
Garten. Both use too much fat and salt for me, though.