boneless rib roast
"Steve Wertz" > wrote in message
> On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 14:03:46 -0400, elaine wrote:
> > No answers to my beef tenderloin question. But that's ok, I'm not about
> > give up.
> >
> > I went to Costco and bought a 12 lb. boneless rib roast. I want to
serve it
> > cold. If anyone has a somewhat spicy marinade that I can use, it would
> > much appreciated.
> OK, I'll bite. You don't want to marinate it, IMO. You just need
> a good rub of coarse pepper, kosher salt, thyme, and granulated
> onion and garlic. A marinade won't really penetrate a 8" roast
> anyway.
> -sw
I would agree with that... here's Cook's Illustrated guidelines.
"You'll need a 3 rib standing rib roast (7 pounds), aged up to 1 week, set
at room temperature for 3 hours, and tied with kitchen twine at both ends,
twine running parallel to bone 1. Remove roast from refrigerator 2 to 3
hours before roasting to bring meat to room temperature. Adjust oven rack to
low position and heat oven to 200F. Heat large roasting pan over two burners
set at medium-high heat. Place roast in hot pan and cook on all sides until
nicely browned and about 1/2 cup fat has rendered, 6 to 8 minutes.
2. Remove roast from pan. Set wire rack in pan then set roast on rack.
Generously season with salt and pepper.
3. Place roast in oven, and roast until meat registers 130F (for
medium-rare), about 3 1/2 hours (or about 30 minutes per pound). Let stand
20 minutes (a bit longer is fine) before serving."
We have a Big Green Egg and do our rib roasts on that.
Chris in Pearland, TX