Thread: Chili weenie
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Default Chili weenie

Lisa Ann wrote:
> "maxine in ri" > wrote in message
> > Yes, I admit it. I am a chili weenie. Can barely tolerate warmth, and
> > have numerous "mild" bottles of chili, curry, etc. that always turned
> > out to be too spicy.
> >
> > What are some good ways to tone down the fire in hot foods? I had a
> > little success tonight with pineapple added to the masala sauce from
> > Trader Joe's, but it still wasn't enough.
> >
> > Of course I could dump them all down the drain (or bring them to the
> > next cook-in) but my DH likes spicy foods, so I'm trying to balance
> > things out.
> >
> > maxine in ri

> I was hoping this was a New England recipe for what we call coney dogs here
> in Indy! LOL.
> Other than that...I'm sorry, no helpful information...
> Lisa Ann

If you want the recipe for the chili sauce that they put on the Coney
Island Hot Dogs:
[NOTE: The Oneyville New York System's website
says to buy their secret spice mix, but they also point out that the
sauce is made with Crisco, not lard. Bob F's Uncle is talking through
his hat!]

Bob F.'s Uncle's New York System Sauce

I can say with great confidence that the recipes for New York System
style "sauce" that have been posted here are not authentic, because
they lack one key ingredient: lard. Sorry to break this to you hot
weiner afficionados, but like it or not, from this point forward, you
will knowingly stuff your arteries with cholestrol-laden lard... I can
hear those arteries slamming shut now. Many years ago my uncle acquired
the recipe for the "sauce" (he claimed he won it in a card game), and
he made it all the time for family and friends. He used to make the
sauce in huge batches that he would freeze in reasonable portions to be
thawed when the mood struck. Sometime after I had moved away from Rhode
Island and married he gave me the recipe. It's the real deal. I've
scaled down the recipe so that I don't have to store a few gallons of
it. Here it is.

* 2 pounds of hamburger
* ½ cup of lard (I'll admit that I substitute canola for the lard,
but you can definitely tell the difference)
* 8 ounces of water
* 1 large onion, finely minced
* 4 cloves of garlic, finely minced
* 1 teaspoon of cumin
* 1 tablespoon of paprika
* 1 tablespoon of celery salt
* 1 tablespoon of chili powder
* 1 tablespoon of allspice
* 2 teaspoons of dry mustard
* 1 teaspoon of Tabasco
* 1 teaspoon of salt

Render the lard in a large pan over medium heat, and saute the onions
and garlic until they are translucent. Add all the spices except the
salt and the Tabasco. Add the hamburger, breaking it up and stirring it
continually until crumbly and cooked. Add the water and cook as long as
it takes to evaporate the water. By this time the hamburger should be
blended into the sauce and take on the consistency that you are
familiar with. If this does not happen, then add four more ounces of
water and reduce. Once you've attained the proper consistency, taste
the sauce. Add salt and Tabasco in proportions that suit your taste.
These items are reserved until the end because the salt content in the
celery salt is variable, as is the degree of heat provided by the
various brands of dry mustard.

-posted by Bob F. in alt.rhode_island, March 15, 2001.