Thread: Chili weenie
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maxine in ri maxine in ri is offline
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Default Chili weenie

Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:13:04 -0700, "Gunner"
> > wrote:
> >3. Start at the lower end of the chile scale with say a Anaheim or Poblano,
> >cooking with it as often as possible. When you move up to another hotter
> >chile, reduce the number of chilies, say from 3 Jalapenos to 1 the first
> >time you use it in a recipe.

> I'm not picking on you, Gunner. You're just lucky.
> Why do people think that we heat-wimps would want to amp up our
> tastebuds? I know I don't. I'm happy with my tongue just the way God
> made it.
> Carry on, troops!
> Carol

Same reason people keep posting beet recipes for Barb. Gunner enjoys
chilies, and assumes that we wimps and weenies just need to be
introduced to them properly to share the joy.

I think he may have nailed the problem when he mentioned cayanne. That
stuff is just plain mean, hot for hot's sake. That may be why I can
eat hot foods outside the house, since a good cook uses chilies, not
cayenne or tabasco or Dave's Insanity sauce.

maxine in ri