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external usenet poster
Posts: 426
Green Frog's reference says the only major side effect seems to be
nausea, except it might kill the pre-born. Toci
> some intresting points you make Kevin,
> let me address them one by one
> Kevin wrote:
> > 1) spammers should be sent to jail with guys who have "enlarged penis",
> > take "viagra soft tabs" and "are looking for rough sex".
> 1. Yes i agree, people that would come into a tea forum and advertise
> something like viarga are clearly wasting everybodies time, becuase
> people that read a tea forum are intrested in reading about tea. keep
> in mind that jiaogulan is in fact a tea.
> > 2) jiaogulan has a quite special taste (mainly aftertaste); not many
> > people in the west would like it I think.
> people say that the taste of jiaogulan is 'slighty sweet and a little
> bitter'
> it has been used as a natural sweeter and suger alternative to suger in
> japan. the taste is very middle ground and most people will enjoy it.
> You are probably reffering to the 'Chinese Jiaogulan' which in fact
> can be a bit bitter and not so nice to drink. We provide the softer
> Thai grown Jiaogulan, which has a slight sweetness and is pleasureable
> to drink
> > 3) like most chinese herbals it costs vitually nothing; less than 1USD
> > for 100g.
> Well let me put it this way. If you went to Bejing and wanted to buy a
> bowl of duck soup from little resturant how much would that cost you?
> Probably under a dollar. However if you went to San Francisco and
> wanted to order that same bowl of duck soup, how much would that cost
> you?
> got my point?
> and btw even in Thailand where we grow and distribute the Jiaogualn, it
> is not cheap and the price of it is on par with the most expensive
> ginseng and oolong teas.
> Hope that clarfies things Kevin and I encourage you to try our
> Jiaogulan, it is quite different than anything you have ever tried.
> Best regards
> Neyma Jahan
> > Kevin.
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hello there
> > >
> > > I wanted to ask you guys if you have ever heard of Jiaogulan Tea?
> > >
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