This week's CSA haul
> I WAS going to make Christine's roasted-tomato cream soup from the
> tomatoes,
> but that tomato pie recipe has me reconsidering. Regardless, I'll have
> tomatoes left over. I've got the makings of both salsa and gazpacho; I'm
> sure that I'll get around to making them both this week.
Could you post your gazpacho recipe? I made some a week ago and wasn't
happy with it.
> I'm going to grate the cucumbers and steep them in Skyy melon vodka for a
> week, hoping that they impart a cucumber flavor to the vodka. (I'll throw
> the grated cucumbers away when the week is over.)
Now THAT sounds really intriguing! Let us know how it goes.
> I STILL don't know what the hell to do with all this dill! It only takes a
> tiny bit of it to DOMINATE whatever it's with, and I just don't like it
> enough to have that much of it. Maybe I'll try making gravlax.
If push comes to shove and you don't use it, consider drying it (rather than
pitching it). You'll have enough dried dill to last you a lifetime!
> My toaster oven died last night, so all the roasting will have to be done
> in
> my "normal" oven. :-( Or I can dig my 1987-vintage microwave/convection
> oven
> out of the garage and hope that it still works.
Oh UGGGHHHH. It was so hot last night the kids across the street were
trying the age old "let's see if an egg will fry on the sidewalk" trick. It
fried. In, like, 20 seconds.
TammyM, thinking that Calgary sounds mighty fine right now.... or Greenland