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Default wait staff rudeness

On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 10:54:23 -0400, travis
> wrote:

> You know what drives me up the wall? The last two times I took my
> wife out to dinner to have a nice meal, somebody else decided to try
> to impress their business associate by taking them out to dinner and
> sat at a table next to us and BLAH BLAH BLAHed about business stuff
> the whole time we were trying to eat.

I don't understand the psychology behind it, but in the past
my husband has done that to me too. We were having a
perfectly fine conversation in normal tones, but when the
conversation turned to business all of a sudden he was
practically shouting. This is a guy who is super sensitive
to raised voices, but I felt like he was telling the world
his business (obviously good news or else he wouldn't have
done it).

Go figure.