wait staff rudeness
>You know what drives me up the wall? The last two times I took my
>wife out to dinner to have a nice meal, somebody else decided to try
>to impress their business associate by taking them out to dinner and
>sat at a table next to us and BLAH BLAH BLAHed about business stuff
>the whole time we were trying to eat. I wish people who want to have
>a business dinner would let the person seating them know what they're
>up to so that they could be seated somewhere that would hopefully
>isolate them from the rest of the patrons so that we don't have to
>listen to them spew about how great the company is doing and how their
>fancy company car rides so smooth and all that crap. Sorry to rant.
>That kind of thing just really irks me.
You find this odd? I find this sort of experience is normal in the
USA - in restaurants, in aeorplanes, in public places of all sorts.
Americans talk about everything at the top of their voices and they
talk and talk and talk and talk.
Try eating at a middle of the road English restaurant. Unless there
are Americans present, you won't get any of what you describe!