INFANTICIDE! You're a baby-killer! (just kiddin' ya ---)
I confess that I have never had a Hungarian wine - will have to try to find
some. Thanks for the report.
I'm making plans to do a side by side this weekend; some of the Hermitage
(Chappoulet, in particular) and St Joseph's we brought home alongside our
own '05 Marsanne. It's too hot to work in the vineyard, so I guess I'll have
to hang out in the cellar and drink!
> Wine notes July 06
> On ship Villany kékfrankos described as full and rich, I found it to be
> a bit thin spicy with a green berry character this faded a bit with
> time, and air but never really disappeared
> Jozsef Bock, Villanyi, Cabernet Franc 2004 fine dark firm tannins good
> fruit reminiscent of a Touraine from a good vintage
> Balaton Fueredi, Chardonnay 2004, M. Figula. Reminiscent of a great
> village Chablis this had good citrus taste clean fresh finish. Like the
> cab franc, I hated to see it go.
> Jozsef Bock Merlot Villany 2003.disappointing. Very fruity and smooth
> but lacking. I wasn't sure exactly what the problem was until the next
> night when we picked up a bottle of
> Ch Calon Montagne St. Emilion 2003 in a regensberg grocery. This was
> pleasant, not as fruity as the Bock, but showing a little tannin and
> acid. It was a nice accompaniment to roast beef. This wine instantly
> made me realize the problem with the Bock. The Bock was flabby and this
> one was well crafted and quite delightful with food.
> If there was one reason to travel back to Hungary (and there are more) I
> would say becasue the wines juwt don't seem to be available elsewhere
> and more is the pity.
> --
> Joseph Coulter
> Cruises and Vacations