Tea Shop in Dalian?
> Hi all,
> So after much waiting I'm finally fulfilling my dream of living and
> working in China. I haven't settled on a destination yet, but there's a
> good chance I'll end up in Dalian.
> I realize Dalian is a ways a way from the tea growing/consuming part of
> China, but being a modern, wealthy city, which attracts people from
> around the country, it must have a decent tea shop (or so I hope).
> Anyone been there recently, or, better yet, lived there, and know where
> to find a good tea shop?
Well, I would like to be the first to welcome you to the chaos that is
China. Northerners aren't really into drinking tea as much as the
Southerners. The types of shops you will find are usually artsy little
numbers that are sorta havens for rich people with nothing to do. You
MIGHT be able to find some decent tea in Dalian, but it would be
unlikely. The thing about China is the further from the source of the
goods that you want, the lower quality and more expensive the stuff
would likely to be.
If you are coming to China for tea mostly, you should try the South.
Although, it is sorta culturally barren around here. If you are coming
to China for culture, choose anywhere but the South. I like tea, so
I'm here...down South.