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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Default Recipe request: Simple curry sauce

cybercat wrote:

> I tried to make something I used to make a long time ago the other night
> and it turned out *bleah* because the sauce was not right. (I have only
> recently matured enough to begin using recipes!)
> The dish is bay scallops sauteed in fresh garlic, drained and served with
> snow peas over white and wild rice--all flavors I really like
> together--with curry sauce on top. I had thought what I did was just make
> a simple bechamel and add curry but that was definitely NOT it. I found
> lots of recipes online but none sound right. Whatever I did was simple and
> easy, with just the curry flavor and not much else. TIA for any
> suggestions. (This is also great with shrimp, and you can use sugar snaps
> instead of snow peas with a similarly good result.)

I'm guessing that you cooked the curry powder as part of the sauce-making
process: Melt butter, add curry powder, cook over medium-high heat until you
can see the oil separating out, then sprinkle on flour, whisk to make a
roux, cook a little more to get rid of the "raw" taste of the flour, then
slowly add milk while whisking like crazy to get rid of lumps.

Raw curry powder has a notably different taste from curry powder that has
been cooked in fat over medium-high heat.
