In article <Rdwwg.850769$084.318616@attbi_s22>,
BrianW > wrote:
> Does anyone have experience with a vacuum coffee maker? Do they work
> good and make a fine cup of coffee? I have heard horror stories of them
> getting too hot and exploding or cracking.
I have about 15 antique vac pots of different styles and used them until
I became too paranoid about breaking the glass.
As a result, I bought a Bodum mini e-Santos (i.e., the electric model),
and have used it daily for a couple of years. Love the thing.
The only potential cracking problem COULD be if you grind too fine and
the water can't be sucked back down (you should grind just a little
finer than for autodrip), but I've never heard of any such occurrence.
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