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Posted to,soc.culture.jewish
cathy[_1_] cathy[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 75
Default Any good Jewish delis in south Orange County (calif.)?

>> Are there any decent ones around Irvine, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach,
>> where one can get beef tongue, chopped liver, other good stuff?

There's also a place in Laguna Hills that is strictly Kosher (as in
closed Saturdays, etc), called the Kosher Bite. They're at 23595
Moulton Pkwy., Ste. H, Laguna Hills, (949) 770-1818

Beyond that, well, there really isn't anything else in Orange County
that qualifies even remotely as a "decent" Jewish deli. You have to
head up into LA for that. And even then, the pickings are pretty slim.
